It is April 24th, 1986 in Chicago, Illinois.

A small group of strangers who find each other because of their personal and academic research in parapsychology, come together after stumbling upon the scene of an ungodly presence and on the path of a very old but very powerful dark order. It’s up to our group of parapsychology researchers to sort through a number of paranormal events throughout the midwest. 

BUMP is an original sci fi horror set in a universe where paranormal events, when researched, could go either way.

With that said, one thing is for certain, there is a darkness in the world. It seems a dark consortium is trying to yield the ungodly power. 

The stand alone stories and story arc carry with them more than just your traditional horror tropes; you are immersed in a dark, psychologically terrifying perspective of the occult as experienced by a highly complex cast of characters. Their passion for the truth will be their bridge to the darkest realms of their dimension.

Right Now!

Currently there for this project we are looking for the following:

  • Illustrators
  • Sound Designer
  • Writers