
Earth’s path from Extinction 

The event that struck this world in 2082 is difficult to comprehend, more horrifying than the thought of all that died is the thought of what kind of existence those that survived would have. Fortunately; there are enough people and resources to send one final armada to avenge Earth’s loss, and protect it from any more attacks.

Earths fight back from extinction

2082 Earth post-extinction level event. After being hit from a barrage of meteorite impacts, Earth is a former picture of itself.

Prior to the event the most wealthy on the planet took a holiday, celebrating the innovations in space tourism. Earth’s survivors are clueless on how this meteor shower escaped our orbital defenses; in fact those alive haven’t had a good idea what’s been going on up there for a long time.

Now it’s time to know.

Thanks to the efforts of a few of just the right people, the planet is able to organize the last of its resources to send one last armada to defend the planet and its survivors. Resources limited as they are, they decide to breathe new life into Earth’s most celebrated retired vessels.